Simple Pasta with Fried Egg

One of the simplest and tastiest pasta recipes from my foodie friend Wendy. You can use a mix of fresh and dried herbs, but of course fresh herbs taste way better! The trick to perfecting this dish is to undercook the pasta by 1-2 minutes in the water, because it cooks further when you add it to the pan.

This pasta is very dynamic, and you can substitute many of the ingredients here. The recipe below is the one that I use the most. The recipe is much tastier if you make one serving at a time.




Simple Pasta with Fried Egg

Garlic – I use about half a head of garlic per serving
Fresh herbs – thyme, rosemary
Dried herbs – basil, oregano
Egg – 1
Olive Oil
Salt and pepper

(you can make do without the second half of the ingredients here)
Arugula – 1/4 of a salad pack
Tomato – half
Prosciutto – 2 oz / half pack (can substitute with Italian sweet pork sausage)
Parmesan flakes

Optional: chili flakes


Finely chop garlic and herbs. Cut prosciutto into bite size pieces.

In a pot, boil water for pasta. Add salt and drizzle olive oil (aim to undercook the pasta by 1-2 minutes since it will cook further when you add it to the pan).

In a separate pan, sauté garlic, fresh and dried herbs and prosciutto (can also add in chili flakes if you want a kick) in a generous amount of olive oil. When prosciutto is browned, add pasta to the pan and get a bit of the pasta water in. Stir well. Add in tomatoes and arugula. Mix well and serve.

Fry an egg, over-easy, leaving the yolk runny. Top pasta with cheese and egg. Season with salt and pepper. Break the yolk and mix in with pasta while it’s hot.

Optional: garnish with fresh herbs before serving.
